• Registration Number: 859148736RR0001
  • All donations are tax deductible.

Important notice:

We have switched our banking from RBC To TD Canada Trust. Our TD bank account information is Transit# 10852 Account# 5515826.
Government of Canada announces extension of 2024 charitable donations to February 28, 2025.
Click here to learn more.

Make a Donation

Donating through Paradise Charity enables you to support a child by helping put food on their table, provide clothing for them, help them attain a better education, and most importantly warm their hearts with your love and support.

Sponsor a Child

When you sponsor a child you are impacting the child's life by providing essential needs such as food, clothing, health and education in order to help the child build a better and brighter future.

Support a Cause

Celebrate birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, arrival of newborns and successful achievements or mourn for a loved one by sending a symbolic gift to a forgotten child or a struggling family.


Child sponsorship is a unique way of directly helping and connecting with a child by providing basic necessities but also emotionally supporting a child with love and kindness.
DONATE NOW Sponsor A Child

About Our Charity

Since 2001, our not-for-profit organization has brought hope, strength and joy to the lives of more than 9,000 children. Our mission is to improve the quality of life for the underprivileged and those caught in the cycle of poverty. Paradise Charity gives you the opportunity to impact a child's life by helping put food on their table, provide clothing for them, help them attain a better education, and most importantly warm their hearts with your love and support. Thanks to the generous support of individuals, we continue to expand our charitable efforts.

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