• Registration Number: 859148736RR0001
  • All donations are tax deductible.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you select the needy children for support?

We select them through and with collaboration with local organizations in the region. These organizations are not affiliated with any ethnic, political, or religious association, and select the children only after rigorous consideration.

How does our monetary help get to the needy children?

Our collaborating charitable organizations in the region allocate a social worker to every few children. When you decide to support a child with monthly payments, the amount is regularly transferred to a bank account in the name of the child under your support and is spent under supervision of the social worker for the child's basic needs, including food, clothing, and education.

What percentage of the sponsor's donation gets to the children under support?

100% of the money gets to the child under support and Paradise does not reduce any amount of it for running the organization. Bank receipts that show transfer of your donations to the bank account of the child you support are available in the charity and you can view it upon request.

How can sponsors learn about the life of their sponsored child?

When you decide to sponsor a child, an account of the child's life condition along with his/her report card is provided, and this report is renewed each year.

How much are the operation expenses for Paradise Charity and what is the source for such expenses?

The majority of the work in our charity is done through volunteers and the entire operation expenses include less than 2% of the total income. The unique source for non-volunteered activities comes through the boxes in shopping centers, or via donations particularly donated for this purpose.

When did you start your charitable activity?

We initiated our work in 1999; officially registered the organization as a charitable non-profit organization in 2001, and got tax exemption number in 2004.